
Faust - 1994

Faust - 1994 - 7/10
AKA - Lesson Faust

Paper flyers are pushed onto pedestrians, including our unnamed gentleman.
He sees a crude map, which he discards.  Once home, a copy of the map lies on his desk.
Curiosity wins out.
Following directions on the map, he finds a locked door, then a key, and he enters the rabbit hole.
Soon enough, he changes from ordinary soul to lead actor to Doktor Faustus.
Almost surreal interpretation of the Faust legend involves actors, marionettes, claymotion, cutouts.
This is a collision of theatre boards, pageant play, modern banalities.
Mephistopheles, and the “deal,” do not appear until a third of the way in.
Often confusing, never dull, multiple layers unroll simultaneously at times.