
Roald & Beatrix: The Tale Of The Curious Mouse - 2020

Roald & Beatrix:  The Tale Of The Curious Mouse - 2020 - 6/10

Lightweight holiday trifle, though let me not dissuade you, good soul.
After the death of his father, and beloved sister, young Roald withdraws deeper into his books.
Before deciding to run away and visit his hero, Beatrix Potter,
Potter, meanwhile, has struggles of her own.
The newest book is not coming along so well.  Her publisher wants “softer” stories for coddled children.
Worse, she needs spectacles!
Their stories interweave, until – Aha! the singular encounter.
Filmed during the 2020 Covid pandemic, the film is expertly shot and composed;  a wonderful class for those studying the techniques of cinematography.