
A Soldier’s Story - 1984 - USA

A Soldier’s Story - 1984 - 7/10

During WWII, a black sergeant is murdered in racist Louisiana.
Sent to investigate, a JAG officer.  A black JAG officer.
General consensus agrees the murder was committed by the Ku Klux Klan, still a force then.
The JAG captain (excellent Henry Rollins), wants truth, not an easy answer.
In the finest investigative tradition, the captain ruffles everyone’s feathers.
While based on a play, this does not feel stagebound.
Drama predominates over mystery.
Acting uniformly fine (early role for Denzel Washington).

Death Wish - 1974 - USA

Death Wish - 1974 - 6/10

Probably one on those films that “started things”.
After his family home suffers an invasion, family raped and murdered, Paul turns vigilante.
We watch Paul (Charles Bronson in a career-making role) morph from pacifist to avenger.
Risks increase, though consequences seem slight.
Emotionally manipulative film steps into propaganda at times.
Self-righteous murder seems not only appropriate, but justified.
US fascination with guns assured this was a massive hit with mainstream audiences.


Widows’ Peak - 1994 - UK

Widows’ Peak - 1994 - 6/10

On first glance, a “chick flick”, a parlor drama, but delve deeper and you’ll find a mystery, laced with comedy.
The flashy, “youngish” widow arrives in the village, and ingratiates herself with the upper crust biddies.
Those who inhabit Widows’ Peak.
A poorer widow, however, takes an instant, almost irrational dislike.
Then we enter maneuverings and village politics, where flash and poverty draw knives.
Funnier than one might expect, with more twists than an acrobat in the final act.
Mia Farrow’s last good leading role.

Childer - 2016 - UK

Childer - 2016 - 7/10

She lives in the isolated cottage with her young son.
Extraordinarily hygienic, overly protective, pushing all visitors away.
Are visitors dangerous, or is she mad?

And as Halloween draws ever nearer, so too do a small group of children.
Strong Horror short, dipping into rustic terror.
The unexplained, well served.


In The Realm Of The Senses - 1976 - Japan

In The Realm Of The Senses - 1976 - 7/10
AKA - Ai no Korīda // 愛のコリーダ

Claustrophobic film of obsession and increasing stakes as thrills diminish.
Retelling the story of Sada Abe, ex-hooker, now servant in small hotel.
The proprietor initiates an affair with her, at once sleazy and torrid.
He discards his wife to increase his time with Sada.
Arthouse film, supposedly meant for the mainstream, yet far too explicit.
Graphic sex will alarm prudes, too much plot and artistic photography will bore pornsters.
The score is memorable, and used to great effect.
Camerawork is filled haunting rain soaked scenes, amidst the rising banner of war outside the hotel.

Stir Crazy - 1980 - USA

Stir Crazy - 1980 - 6/10

Two classic bunglers, after being fired – again, decide California is the place to be.
Sure is.  In no time flat, they are framed for a bank heist and sent to the slammer for 100+ years.
Inside, they make friends with other convicts (what a great place to make friends).
Then somehow get involved in the annual rodeo competition.
Plot moves quickly, distracting one from how absurd the narrative is.
And believe me, this is one silly movie.
For all that, Pryor and Wilder make an irresistible team, and top comedy makes up two/thirds of the film.


House Of Flying Daggers - 2004 - China

House Of Flying Daggers - 2004 - 7/10
AKA - Shi mian mai fu  //  十面埋伏

Government agent Jin helps the beautiful Mei escape prison.
High probability she is a rebel spy, so he does this to infiltrate the Flying Dagger clan.
Except. They have seen this ploy too many times and are rightfully wary.
Visually astounding, this is a demonstration disc.  Eye-popping colors.
Action sequences are also amazing, and lushly photographed.
It is long, often confusing, and has a cool emotional tone.
Coming a couple years after the crowd pleasing (and to me, overrated) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, this was the fitting, breathtaking homage to countless Shaw Brothers classics.


Popeye - 1980 - USA

Popeye - 1980 - 6/10

Popeye the sailor arrives at a tiny port, takes a shine to Olive Oyl, promised by her parents to Bluto.
Plot is as paper thin as the two dimensional sets, and the songs are forgettable.
Yes, songs, this is a musical.  A poor one.
OK, I like the sets.  I like the whole “look” of this.
Robin Williams is an inspired Popeye, mumbling incessantly, usually unintelligibly.
Shelley Duvall as Olive is priceless.
Amusing misfire for most, though a disaster for director Altman, who would be in cinema purgatory for a decade.

A Picture Of Autumn - 2013 - USA

A Picture Of Autumn - 2013 - 7/10

A rescued 1951 gem by Mint Theater.
The elder gentry, once wealthy, following WWII, living in reduced circumstances in the crumbling manor.
One son, doing rather well, pushed them to sell off, and move … somewhere else.  Unexplained.
The other son, shiftless after the war, seems to fail every venture, only contacts the family for a touch.
Sadly funny, watching the seniors who are forgetful, absent-minded, dotty, increasingly unable to fend.
There are perils in remaining, there are perils in departing.
This will resonate with older viewers, seriously considering leaving the family home.
Or with their adult children, who may want to solve the problem, but recognize the solution may be a disaster.
One wonders if Alan Bennett was aware of this play when he wrote People (2012).


Waxworks - 1924 - Germany

Waxworks - 1924 - 6/10
AKA - Das Wachsfigurenkabinett

WANTED – Writer to provide descriptions for Wax Museum exhibits.
The scribe applies, and the curator points to the Grand Calif, Ivan The Terrible, and Spring Heel Jack.
From there, the fever of inspiration builds imaginative stories.
The Calif (Emil Jannings) is the longest and dullest.  A forced comedy, relying on farce and painful situations.
Better is Ivan The Terrible (Conrad Veidt), with his paranoia, cruelty, despotism.
Spring Heel Jack (Werner Krauss) breaks the barrier, entering the writer’s world.
Ivan boasts the best sets, Jack dizzying camerawork.
All three stories are creaky, the first one especially so.

Five Minutes To Live - 1961 - USA

Five Minutes To Live - 1961 - 5/10

Fred and Johnny team up to rob the bank.
Inside man and outside man.
While Fred shakes down the bank manager, Johnny holds the exec’s wife hostage.
Grade D cheapie boasts the reliable Vic Tayback along with Johnny Cash.
Cash gives a sneering, gonzo performance as the kidnapper, but truth to tell, he can’t act worth a flip.
The entire ensemble look like they were working for cookies and carrots.
Direction is akin to,  “OK, good enough.  Next!”
Did I mention how slow it was?  Probably because this is a snoozer.


The Man Who Put His Will On Film - 1970 - Japan

The Man Who Put His Will On Film - 1970 - 6/10
AKA - Tôkyô sensô sengo hiwa // 東京戦争戦後秘話 映画で遺書を残して死んだ男の物語

Motoki has his camera stolen.  He pursues, the thief commits suicide, police confiscate the camera and beat him.
Except, when he regains consciousness, the film group tells him he was covering a violent student demonstration, and the police seized the camera as evidence, and beat him.
So what version is true?
A series of hunts or searches include hunting for the footage, searching for identity, or of meaning.
The group are all Marxist students, bent on serving the proletariat, shocking the bourgeois.
An experimental film, I was frequently unsure what was going on.

The Over The Hill Gang - 1969 - USA

The Over The Hill Gang - 1969 - 5/10

The town is lawless, the mayor corrupt, sheriff incompetent.
Pa, visiting his daughter and son-in-law, sizes things up and decides to oust the outlaws.
Mind you, Pa is an ex-Texas Ranger, and he enlists more of his grizzled buddies to help.
This looks like a TV movie, with decent production values.
Main reason to watch this Mild Western is the irresistible cast.
Pat O’Brien, Walter Brennan, Andy Devine, Jack Elam, Chill Wills, Edgar Buchanan, Gypsy Rose Lee.
Hardly a classic, though harmless fun and a treat to see a posse of character actors.