
Rocketship X-M - 1950 - USA

Rocketship X-M - 1950 - 6/10

On a trip to the Moon, X-M over-accelerates and is swept to Mars.
Well, as long as we are here, our crew decides to explore.

Finding an extinct, advanced civilization.  Catastrophe?  No, nuclear war.
Very low budget is blessing and curse for “message” film.
Thought provoking, yet the odd series of predicaments look cheap.
Lloyd Bridges leads this old favorite, enjoyable if you don’t dissect the “science” too much.

Ruby - 2020 - Canada

Ruby - 2020 - 6/10

Unemployed, bills piling up, Ava decides to take on phone work.
Adult phone work.  Not for prudes, not for squeamish, as callers can be pretty filthy.
There is a stalker, though.  One who realizes who she is, where she lives.
Short, borderline thriller, too mild-mannered to be erotic, and lacks thrills.


Clarence And Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power And The Supreme Court - 2023 - USA

Clarence And Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power And The Supreme Court - 2023 - 7/10

Informative documentary, very enlightening about background and influence.
Clarence Thomas is especially interesting, viewing his swing from young Malcolm X radical to far right Conservative.
Ginni Thomas less compelling, as she was a very conservative child, and never changed.
The closer the time frame nears our current period, the more producers tiptoe.
There is money involved, perhaps influence peddling, perhaps bribery, which is briefly commented on.
Also, by extension, if justices can be purchased, then Courts are corrupt and meaningless.


Deconstructing Harry - 1997 - USA

Deconstructing Harry - 1997 - 7/10

Harry is a quasi-autobiographical novelist, pilfering his own history and that of family and friends.
(Nothing new there, I’m afraid.  Artists swipe from everyone around them, me included.)
Harry, played by Allen, has substance abuse issues, is a womanizer, self-loathing and arrogant.
A dark, uncomfortably funny film, gouging fame and pride.
There is a memorable side trip, make that down side, to Hell, where Harry argues with Satan.
Film is packed with moments, but much of the humor consists of in-jokes at Allen’s expense.
Many “know” something about Allen, or think they know him, based on the rumor cesspool.
A sticky, ugly joyride, best for strong stomachs.
Note:  The gallery of talent for this, even bit-parts, is incredible.


Death Of England - 2020 - UK

Death Of England - 2020 - 7/10

One man, tour de force by Rafe Spall.
Working class man is severely buffeted by outside disorder.
Brexit implications emerging.
Michael’s racist father, over stimulated during the 2018 World Cup semis.
He hurtles back and forth across a slim stage, spewing rage, despair, ever on the brink of completely losing it.
Spall is riveting.  Spitting lines a mile a minute, slipping into characters.  His father, mother, sister, customers.
The energy is boundless, even engaging with audience members.
Nonetheless, this is quite English.  Viewers should have a tight grasp of Brexit before and after.
Likewise football, particularly the year 2018, when “It’s Coming Home” promised so much.


Wild Search - 1989 - Hong Kong

Wild Search - 1989 - 6/10
AKA - Ban wo chuang tian ya // 伴我闖天涯

Detective Mew receives a tip of a major gun deal.
The bust goes wrong, with most escaped or dead, including the mother of a small girl.
Gritty Ringo Lam actioner dawdles midway, yet boasts explosive set pieces.
Chow Yun-Fat’s Mew is underwritten (brief mention of the deaths of his wife and son).
Nevertheless, he shares warm chemistry with Cherie Chung (the small girl’s aunt).
Comic breaks don’t always play well, and the film has a bit of a hashed feel.
While not as well known as more famous examples, this is prime Hong Kong cinema.

Demons Of The Mind - 1972 - UK

Demons Of The Mind - 1972 - 6/10

Fleeing through the woods, Elizabeth is befriended by a young, hermit scholar.
After an idyllic night, she is recaptured and taken back to the forbidding manor.
Home of the baron.  Her father.  Whom one realizes is a control type.  And mad.
Set somewhere in middle Europe, this well shot Hammer production touches on several taboos.
Cursed bloodlines, incest, Christian zealotry, surviving paganism.
Fair amount of female nudity, as well as romping.
Despite a languid pace, there are enough goings-on to hold interest.


Japan's Nazi Alliance Mastermind - 2021 - Japan

Japan's Nazi Alliance Mastermind - 2021 - 6/10
AKA - A Man Who Aligned Japan With The Nazis

WWII footnote,
Hiroshi Ōshima, Japanese ambassador to Berlin, helps align the two nations.
He was influential in writing the Anti-Comintern Pact in 1936, followed by the Tripartite Pact in 1940.
The notion that the Axis would aid each other was folly, with dire consequences.
His prediction that the Wehrmacht would trounce the Red Army was a catastrophic miscalculation.
Interesting documentary based on cassette tapes Ōshima recorded in the 70’s, fleshed out with an assortment of talking heads and experts.

The Climb - 2017 - France

The Climb - 2017 - 6/10
AKA - L'Ascension

Nadia likes Samy enough, but does not want a deeper relationship.
He has no job, no prospects, and yet he declares,  “What if I climb Mount Everest for you?”
Foolish boasts aside, Samy finds backers and is soon in Katmandu.
Climbing experience?  What climbing experience?
Mountain scenery is beautiful, although the narrative stays on Samy’s struggles, in a light manner.
Feel good movie recycling the fish out of water template.
Scoff at the plausibility all you want, this was “inspired” by the true story of Nadir Dendoune.


Restoration - 1995 - UK

Restoration - 1995 - 7/10

Meandering story of the feckless soul.
Merivel is court physician to Charles II.
He indulges numerous vices, neglects his calling.
Events intrude in 1665 and 1666, the Plague and the Fire.
Robert Downey makes interesting casting, although he is quite good as the debauched roué.
Despite a sprawling narrative, the story is coherent, the settings superb.
Most of the cast is excellent (Meg Ryan seems clueless).
Surprisingly entertaining and apparently overlooked.