
The Translators - 2019 - France

The Translators - 2019 - 7/10
AKA - Les Traducteurs

The great author, well, the best-selling author, has a new book pending.
Expectations from the fanbase is immense.  For the publishing house, this book is make or break.
Nine translators are hired, then whisked to a secured, underground location (old castle, monastery).
Soon enough, a ransom note appears along with a slew of smuggled chapters.
Despite the security, there is a leak.
Taut thriller will appeal to mystery fans and book types.
There are, perhaps, too many characters.  Plus, the amount of money at stake indicates the writer is, who, Stephen King, Mary Berry?  Money now flows to disposable, repetitive TV shows.
Ignore these quibbles, however, as the twists and turns are diabolical, as is the plotting.