
The Scarlet Claw -1944 - USA

The Scarlet Claw -1944 - 7/10  

Non-canon, but this late cycle Rathbone & Bruce adventure of Sherlock is one of the finest.
A series of deaths occur in a small Canadian village.
The beast appears to be a deranged beast, and superstitious villages feed the fears.
Holmes, eminently logical, begins to investigate.
Photography is outstanding in this, a fusion of Gothic and Noir.
The plot is a retooling of “The Hound Of The Baskervilles”, yet no lazy copycat.
Old-fashioned mystery, superbly done.

Christmas Carole - 2022 - UK

Christmas Carole - 2022 - 6/10

Sour holiday bon-bon starts with a flourish, adds extras throughout, ends in treacle.
Carole, president of her company, sells Christmas tat.  Junk.
Overpriced festive twaddle, guaranteed to break and need replacing.
Yuletide profits, you dreamers.
Her merchandise is disposable, as are her employees.
Owing to numerous references, this is for Brits and Anglophiles.
(Test:  Are you familiar with Morecambe and Wise?)
First two-thirds are pure gold, final act is the equivalent of penalty kicks.
English subtitles = https://subscene.com/subtitles/christmas-carole/english/3245914


Red Snow - 2021 - USA

Red Snow - 2021 - 5/10

Mid-Winter, a bat crashes into a windowpane, falls into the snow, bleeding.
I don’t know about you, but I would summon one of my cats and say,  “Hey, snacks.”
Olivia, however, rescues the mite infested, rabies carrying varmint, and soon discovers it’s a vampire!
Slow boil horror flirts with Twilight territory, although the tone stays light and amused.
Respect to the crew for a smart, sharp film on a minuscule budget.
Ending is poorly thought out.
Despite holiday tropes, this is not the Yule beast you were hoping for.

Solaris - 1972 - Soviet Union

Solaris - 1972 - 6/10

My first exposure to Tarkovsky, watched in 1977 was a cure for insomnia.
(Unfortunately, along with a plethora of SciFi’s at the Nuart, trying to cash in on the Star Wars phenomsena.)
In between yawning and checking the theater clock, I sat there bewildered.
The crew of the station orbiting Solaris are exhibiting signs of madness.
A psychologist is dispatched, and he soon suffers hallucinations.
Most intriguingly, the planet is an organic being.  An over-mind, or unisoul.
The plot is maddeningly vague, however, with nonexistent pacing.
I appreciate Tarkovsky more now, but even this recent rewatch, I cannot get into this one.