
Napoleon At St. Helena - 1929 - Germany

Napoleon At St. Helena - 1929 - 6/10
AKA - Napoleon auf Sankt Helena

After Waterloo, the great general, the emperor, is heading for England.
Except Parliament decides he’s still too hot.  And could still rally the Grande Armee.
So he, and his retinue, are dropped at St Helena, British controlled isle in the South Atlantic.
What ensues is a battle of wills:  Napoleon, still possessed of his own greatness, and governor of the island, Hudson Lowe, a petty functionary, and martinet.
What follows is the gradual withering decline of the emperor’s health, and entourage.
Script by Abel Gance, this makes a nice footnote to his 1927 epic.

Festival Express - 2003 - Canada

Festival Express - 2003 - 7/10

Documentary of the legendary 1970 Canadian concert tour.
On the train are Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, the Band, Delany & Bonnie, Buddy Guy.
Cameras notwithstanding, the performers relax, party, socialize while the train keeps rollin’.
While many lament there is insufficient concert footage, the film crew was only 5 persons.
Enjoy what’s there.  And what is there is 60’s musicians at a peak.
Essential for fans of the artists, or for curious late arrivals wanting to catch that counter-culture vibe that, by this point, was already fading, fading, fading.

Bombay Velvet - 2015 - India

Bombay Velvet - 2015 - 5/10

Street urchin’s violent rise to become big-shot manager of wildly popular club in 60's Bombay.
Riffs of Scarface and Casino float, though this is tame on violence and sex.
Story starts in 1949 following two young boys. Time shifts abruptly with few clues.  Just catch up.
Big money employs thugs to pound the path for land development in go-go Bombay.
Many musical numbers, yet most are set in the nightclub world of sequins and stockings..
Strives for operatic, succumbs to melodrama.
Uninspired plot, poorly envisioned characters, a story that is glossy, empty, and of course, overlong.

Danny Boyle and Martin Scorsese thanked in opening credits.
Thelma Schoonmaker one of the film editors.
This shoulda been better.


The Limey - 1999 - USA

The Limey - 1999 - 8/10

Dazzling tour de force from Soderbergh in one of his smaller, artier projects.
Career criminal (menacing Terence Stamp), out of prison, learns daughter died in Los Angeles.
As he investigates, obstacles and foes try to thwart him, confirming his suspicions.
Violence in this is casual, often throwaway, often funny.  Blink - say at the pool - you may miss it.
At its essence, a revenge film, this is a masterclass in editing.
Layered flashbacks and a diced narrative might confuse ADD souls, though alert viewers will have few difficulties.
Acting across the board (Peter Fonda, Lesley Ann Warren, Barry Newman, Luis Guzmán) terrific.
Music score weaves 60's pop with brooding piano.
Bickering audio commentary with Soderbergh and scriptwriter Lem Dobbs insightful re:creative compromises.

Kepler X-47 - 2014 - USA

Kepler X-47 - 2014 - 6/10

Humanity, perhaps on the brink of disaster, accepts help from “visitors”.
It is possible, however, that the arrivals caused the calamity.
Viewers who recall “To Serve Man” might slot this as “To Observe Man”.
“The species (humanity) finds purpose in feeding, grooming, mating, and acquiring objects.”
Short SciFi of survival, freedom and restraint.

Reincarnation Of Golden Lotus - 1989 - Hong Kong

Reincarnation Of Golden Lotus - 1989 - 6/10
AKA - Pan Jin Lian zhi Qian shi Jin Sheng  //  潘金蓮之前世今生

Beauty attracts admirers, those who would possess, those who would abuse.
So Lotus discovers during the Cultural Revolution.
Marrying rich, she moves to Hong Kong where she is troubled by visions.
Long ago, in Imperial China, she had been a beautiful courtesan, and mistreated by three men.
Not only is she a reincarnation, so are her previous attackers.
So, vengeance?  Or try to lead a righteous life.
Gorgeous film flirts with Cat III.  Plenty of steam, though little skin.
Haunting story of love, grudges, karma, and Fate.
Underrated Hong Kong gem, and a nice role for Joey Wong.


45 Years - 2015 - UK

45 Years - 2015 - 8/10

Agonizing portrayal of marriage in crisis.
Days before a husband and wife celebrate their 45th anniversary, he receives an official note of a “found” body.
His old girlfriend, who had been hiking with him in the Swiss Alps, had fallen into a crevasse.
With global warming, the glacier had melted and her body was visible some fifty years later.
“Why would they notify you?”  the wife asked.
“I was listed as next of kin.”
“Why was that?”
“Well, see, we were sort of married.”
After that, the husband grows increasingly soaked in regret - for his youth, for another life, for the girl he wanted to spend his life with.
Charlotte Rampling devastating as wife who sees the old flame as a destroying angel.

Images - 1972 - UK

Images - 1972 - 7/10

A children’s writer relocates to the countryside to recharge and escape some “disturbances”.
Difficulties persist, however, as she begins confusing her husband with two ex-lovers (one dead).
Hallucinations increase to the point where she encounters her own doppelganger.
We view from author Cathryn’s perspective, which means we are muddled.
A dreamlike quality suffuses, making it hard to tell if Cathryn is losing her sanity or is actually haunted.
Difficult Altman effort may reward repeated viewing.  There was supposedly only a loose script and much improvisation (typical of this director).
I rewatch for the exceptional “look” and performances, although the plot continues to baffle me.

Jacqueline Sauvage: It Was Him Or Me - 2018 - France

Jacqueline Sauvage: It Was Him Or Me - 2018 - 6/10
AKA - Jacqueline Sauvage: C'était lui ou moi

Straight off, we know Sauvage kills her husband.  Three blasts from the shotgun will do that.
While she confesses, police notice her ugly facial bruises and cuts.
Investigations reveal 40+ years of physical and emotional abuse.
Against her, their children, neighbors.  Of which the police did – nothing.
Nevertheless, does physical violence justify killing?
What follows are prison scenes laced with courtroom drama, and ugly flashbacks.
Viewers should be aware, the concept of “guilty until proved innocent” applies here.


Quills - 2000 - UK

Quills - 2000 - 7/10

Despite being imprisoned (for “insanity”) the Marquis de Sade continues to get his writings smuggled out.
And then published.  Of course, the powers that be are not amused.
De Sade, vilified as a heretic and class traitor, is guilty of blasphemy and forced, violent sex.
If free Sade is a perpetrator, imprisoned Sade is a victim.
Of censorship and punishment, restrictions and surveillance.
Very theatrical production manages to be intellectually heady yet completely squalid.
Jess Franco fans, this is not the de Sade you are looking for.

Blame It On Rio - 1984 - USA

Blame It On Rio - 1984 - 5/10

Two friends, fathers, head for Rio with their two teenage daughters in tow.
Steamy days, sultry nights, and soon one father and the other’s daughter pair off.
This borders on smutty exploitation, yet it is awfully funny.
Michael Caine and Joseph Bologna share good chemistry (and good one-liners).
Rio is a postcard, Michelle Johnson is absolutely ripe (though Demi Moore seems uncomfortable).
One does wonder why Stanley Donen, of all people, is directing this fluff.

Learning To Drive - 2015 - USA

Learning To Drive - 2015 - 6/10

After husband walks out of 20+ year marriage, wife decides to take driving lessons.
This is set in New York City where one can live a lifetime without a car.
Plot avoids the usual marital conflicts and roots of divorce.  View this as a no-fault breakup.
The story follows the wife’s increasing self reliance.
Getting out of the apartment, envisioning a trip to her daughter in Vermont.
The Punjabi cabbie teacher’s story is more sketchy, as are all male figures in this.
Ending struck me as improbable.  Other elements (how does she afford NYC rent) implausible.
A quiet film, but much occurs.  May resonate more with female viewers (it did here).


Henry V - 1989 - UK

Henry V - 1989 - 8/10

Kenneth who?  This introduced Mr. Branagh to the rest of the world, big time.
Henry V, continuing the Plantagenet claim, embarks to bring France under heel.
First, however, a slice of treachery, then a flash of Henry’s previous existence.
What follows, to paraphrase the Chorus, is a masterful use of smoke and mirrors.
The story, gritty and muddy, looks to have been shot within budget, but the execution is brilliant.
The camps appear large, the battles widescale.
Shakespeare, not exclusive for the arthouse officer, but for the base, common and popular.

The Last American Hero - 1973 - USA

The Last American Hero - 1973 - 6/10

Moonshine runner, Junior Jackson, wants to quit that crooked game and go legit.
He enters NASCAR, with buddies as his pit crew.
Only, it turns out NASCAR is just like dealing illegal hootch, a snake pit.
Sponsors, judges, big money backers, rivals who expect a pecking order to be obeyed.
Biography of an iconoclast, fueled with gasoline and exhaust, and plenty of car action for the drive-in crowd.
Valerie Perrine good as the less than innocent groupie, but Jeff Bridges owns this one.  
Based on Junior Johnson.

Testament Of Youth - 2015 - UK

Testament Of Youth - 2015 - 7/10

Latest adaptation of Vera Brittain’s World War I memoir.
Brittain, presumably part of the rural gentry, dreams of becoming a writer and being admitted to Oxford.
Events go her way at first, though one is reminded of simmering tensions in Europe throughout.
Gradually, however, the conflagration across the Channel empties her world.
Film picks up pace as the conflict grows.  First part of the movie is a bit low key.
The romantic leads lack chemistry, as well as intensity.
Second half is altogether sharper and grimmer.
Ending feels rushed.  Investigate the 1979 mini series for a fuller aftermath.


I’ll See You In My Dreams - 2015 - USA

I’ll See You In My Dreams - 2015 - 7/10

Unexpected romance at the retirement home.
Woman visiting her girlfriends is persuaded to participate in the next speed-date mingler.
Males are over-earnest, sad-sacks, overdosed on erectile meds, or simply lonely.
Female friends urge her to move into the senior center, share the good times!
The woman (Blythe Danner) has her own home, dog, pool guy, daughter who visits occasionally, and freedom.
Then the handsome stranger from Texas arrives.  Sam Elliott.
Narrative is absorbing because the plot veers in unexpected directions frequently.
Just when you conclude, “This is going to --” the story hard turns.
Same thing with characters.  Just when you feel reassured - or worried - Fate skips across the surface.
These are people with miles of time behind them, precious little road ahead.
You hope for the best, but -

The Devil In Miss Jones - 1973 - USA

The Devil In Miss Jones - 1973 - 5/10

Lusty remake of the funny … ha!
Justine Jones commits suicide.  Look, she’s bored, OK?
Suicide is a mortal sin, yet Jonesy has led an otherwise pure life.
So the gatekeeper is in a quandary.  Solution: send her back to life to chalk up a pile of sins.
From there, we follow her into hardcore territory.
Despite production values and decent actors, the landmark film is hardly a romp.
For all the assorted rutting and moaning, this is a downer with a moralistic Afterlife.

The Devil And Miss Jones - 1941 - USA

The Devil And Miss Jones - 1941 - 6/10

Union organizers, whether at your local Starbucks, or decades earlier in the department store.
Most bosses just want these headaches quelled.  By the quickest means.  Usually firing.
Unlike most overlords, Mr. Merrick is a hands on kinda guy, and he goes undercover.
He is now the new shoe salesman, and a poor one at that, but befriended by – gasp! – those union types.
Feel good comedy is a product of its times (the Depression) and gets too schmaltzy.
Best to see for the leads, who are fun.
When everyone has an IRA or 401k, sympathy for the underpaid working class seems diminished.