
Reincarnation Of Golden Lotus - 1989 - Hong Kong

Reincarnation Of Golden Lotus - 1989 - 6/10
AKA - Pan Jin Lian zhi Qian shi Jin Sheng  //  潘金蓮之前世今生

Beauty attracts admirers, those who would possess, those who would abuse.
So Lotus discovers during the Cultural Revolution.
Marrying rich, she moves to Hong Kong where she is troubled by visions.
Long ago, in Imperial China, she had been a beautiful courtesan, and mistreated by three men.
Not only is she a reincarnation, so are her previous attackers.
So, vengeance?  Or try to lead a righteous life.
Gorgeous film flirts with Cat III.  Plenty of steam, though little skin.
Haunting story of love, grudges, karma, and Fate.
Underrated Hong Kong gem, and a nice role for Joey Wong.