
A Killer's Key - 1967 - Japan

A Killer's Key - 1967 - 6/10
AKA - Aru Koroshiya no Kagi  // ある ころしや の かぎ

A yakuza moneyman, in police custody, is about to reveal evidence that will convict mobsters and politicians.
The bosses hire a hitman, who also happens to be a dance teacher.
Correct, a dance teacher.  Whom they intend to snuff after the job.
Raizô Ichikawa memorable as the cool, almost detached assassin.
Film is more the mechanics of death, rather than explosive violence.
Packed with details (geishas, rock clubs, fights) the movies rushes along.
Dry sense of humor may elude some.  Retribution for welshers, if only.