
Sense And Sensibility - 1995

Sense And Sensibility - 1995 - 6/10

I have probably viewed this twenty times.
Over the years, I have grown more and more disenchanted with it, due to two headliners.
Alan Rickman’s Colonel Brandon is portrayed as rather weak and incompetent, not to mention he was way too old to be a proper suitor for Kate Winslet’s Marianne Dashwood (Rickman was 30 years older than Winslet).
A much bigger problem is with writer / star Emma Thompson who cast herself as 19 year old Elinor Dashwood.  Thompson was 36 when the film released, and matronly at that.
There is still a lot to appreciate in this version.  Scenery, outstanding support (though Hugh Grant sleepwalks his role), great score, costume design, even the direction - and I do not like Ang Lee.
This used to be such a favorite, I wish it were still so.
The 2008 adaptation has a lot more going for it, though the role of the dashing Willoughby was somewhat miscast.