
The Boarding School - 2021 - Spain

The Boarding School - 2021 - 6/10
AKA - El Internado: Las Cumbres

Good opening episode, hard charging, if exasperating, final episode.
In between, this series is more padded than a Vegas showgirl’s bustier.
Affluent delinquents endure rigorous discipline inside an exclusive school.
How do I know they are rich?  Because that school ain’t cheap.
And delinquents?  Adults in charge keep reminding them.
Mystery abounds of a sinister order and ravens, never remotely explained.
Other mysteries are revealed then abandoned.  The abrupt ending leaves numerous loose ends.
Students roam the halls nightly.  Motions detectors?  Security cameras?  Nope.
Likewise, any time any character accesses a computer, is that password protected?  Ha ha.
This seems targeted toward teens as each episode is padded with 3-4 “sex” (no nudity) scenes.
Producers may have been aiming for more seasons.  Good luck there, Barney.
With an ongoing global pandemic, no telling when or if this will ever resume.
The longer the delay, the more our “students” will solidify into twenty year olds.