
Doll House - 2014 - S Korea

Doll House - 2014 - 5/10
AKA - Inhyeong-ui Jib // μΈν˜•μ˜ 집

Jeez Louise, did it really take me eighteen months to watch this 12 episode K-drama?
Shows how involved I was.
Young 20ish girl answers ad for light duty job at residence.
She has to wear schoolgirl uniform, pigtail her hair, and pretend to be a daughter.
What happened to the daughter in question?
Then she discovers there have been impersonators before her!  What happened to them?
Mystery with enough suspense to unsettle teenage viewers.  Maybe.

For the curious, you could easily watch the whole series in barely over an hour..
Each installment runs 6-8 minutes, including opening & closing credits and a preview of next week.