
Agatha Raisin: The Quiche Of Death - 2014 - UK

Agatha Raisin: The Quiche Of Death - 2014 - 6/10

Pilot that aired during the holidays, eventually spawned a middling series.
Mystery, murder and comedy in the Cotswolds, with London press agent moving to the sticks.
The village seems 95% Caucasian, 100% rich (who else can afford those homes?).
An annual cooking competition is underway.  In order to fit in, our newcomer decides to enter and win ... by any means.
Yes, good way to score points, cheat for the trophy.
Only murder surfaces, as do suspects, countless bang the weasel infidelities, backstabbing tongues, you name it.
Of course, being a city gal, and a know-it-all, Miss Raisin starts sleuthing.
Easy, predictable ... like watching “Midsomer Murders” for poodles.

S01 followed, predictable stories, yet scores on likeability and some amusingly clever plot turns
By S02 (a truncated three episodes), the formula has gone stale, the actors are bored, writing and directing lack energy.
S03 is worse, entering farce.  Avoid.