
The Rescue - 2021 - USA

The Rescue - 2021 - 7/10

Documentary of the schoolboys (soccer squad) and their coach, trapped in a cave as monsoon laden waters rise.
First in were the Thai Navy SEALS, accustomed to underwater missions, but not cave diving.
Next, a tiny group of aging, British hobbyists, who regard cave diving as fun and relaxing.
Gripping documentary is chronological, shows the MAJOR effort involved, the global media circus, the politics and “face” obstructions, and does not shy away from the implied threats to the divers.
Superbly photographed.

When younger, I caved for over a decade.  The water was usually ice cold.  Water levels were often knee high, a few times, waist high.  Whenever it reached out necks, we turned around.  If the next step was a dropoff or hole, that would prove a catastrophe.  We often suspected there were chambers and spectacles in the depths, but proper gear was beyond us.  This doc shares the lure and tranquility of caving, so long as you are not claustrophobic.