
Lake Of The Dead - 1958 - Norway

Lake Of The Dead - 1958 - 7/10
AKA - De Dødes Tjern

Years earlier, the man who lived here murdered his sister, her fiancée  then committed suicide.,  
Now, every anniversary of that time, the man’s ghost takes possession of whoever is in the cabin.
And they commit suicide.  Or so the story goes, says the local sheriff.
Telling the six arrivals who are spending a few days at the cabin, just as the anniversary approaches.
Legends and superstition, snort the city folk.  Until … well … they had been warned.
Taut mystery shifts from supernatural to psychological to Gothic.
The camera roves back and forth, like a shell game, keeping viewers in the dark.
Subtitles = https://subscene.com/subtitles/de-ddes-tjern/english/2888198