
Black Sabbath: Master Of Reality Documentary - 2022 - USA

Black Sabbath: Master Of Reality Documentary - 2022 - 7/10

Absorbing end-to-end “fan” documentary on the making of “Master Of Reality”.
Background, historical timetables, comments by group members, the whole Satanic thing.
No lulls, rarely dull, excellent use of images (group, commercials, news footage, film clips),
Only quibble I had was the creator-writer-producer also does all the narrating.
Other  voices would vary the listening experience and, in my opinion, make this better.
Still, this labor of love production is absolutely first rate!

After the show -
My first Sabbath concert was when they were supporting the newly released “Master Of Reality”.
The next morning, I was chatting on campus with a female friend who had also attended.
“Did you notice the singer in the jumpsuit?”  she said.  “He had an erection the whole show!”
“Guys don’t really stare at another man’s crotch,”  I said.  “Why would you do that?”
“Because,” she shrugged.  Then she started staring down at my jeans.
After a minute, I started getting aroused.  “Hey, stop that!  I have to go to class.”
“That is how we do it,”  she smiled.  “And as for why … because – we – can.”
Thousands of female eyes gazing at Ozzy that show, resistance was futile.