
Life On Mars - 2006 - UK

Life On Mars - 2006 - 7/10

Innovative, influential series that launched numerous imitators.
DCI Sam Tyler, struck by a speeding car, reawakens not in 2003, but 1973.
He is now DI Tyler, transfer from Hyde, and policing in 1973 Manchester is a different animal.
Violence, graft, language riddled with swearing, pervasive sexism, racism, intolerance, a sunken dream.
He is the proverbial square peg, admired and distrusted, respected and resented.
Sparrings with DCI Gene Hunt range from harrowing to excruciatingly funny.
The “look” is terrific:  clothes, cars, music.  Nothing elaborate, just enough to evoke the 70’s.
S01 funny and poignant, S02 darker and provocative.  The conclusion, nailed it!
If you decide to view, choose wisely.  Episodes run an hour.  If less, beware cuts.