
The Saragasso Manuscript - 1965 - Poland

The Saragasso Manuscript - 1965 - 7/10
AKA - Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie

During a lull in the Napoleonic War in Spain, an officer finds a thick book.
The manuscript details the adventures, perhaps madness, of his grandfather, decades earlier.  Beginning with a shortcut through borderland territory, he meets two beautiful sisters.
Supposedly cousins to him, they say.  Or are they ghosts?  Or djinns?  Or succubi?

Bravado and common sense ignored, he drinks, as any female who coaxes the tiny head could predict.
Meanwhile, he is hunted, captured by the Inquisition.  Rescued by a Kabbalahist.  Or gypsies!

Baffling film, brims with heady stories, odd alleyways, serendipitous coincidences.
Utterly engrossing, although the three plus hours length kept this on my shelf for a few years.
Even now, I think I missed a lot.
Multiple viewings are supposedly necessary to fully appreciate this film.
Early champions of this include Scorsese, Coppola, and of all people, Jerry Garcia.
World cinema, arthouse fans, probably a must.