
Audra McDonald At The London Palladium - 2023 - UK

Audra McDonald At The London Palladium - 2023 - 8/10

Spellbinding performance of one of our era’s greatest sopranos, literally at the top of her game.
At 52, she remains fearless, unafraid to chase after those high notes, nail them, then hold them.
(I cannot tell you how many concerts I have attended where the singer quits, or doesn’t try.)
This is an uplifting and soul-affirming show; a tonic against the one-note vitriol from our daily prophets of hated.
Hatred for the other, hatred of themselves, and of course, hatred for you and I.
♪ No use permitting some prophet of doom ♪
♪ To wipe every smile away ♪
Catch this, and push yourself back into the Parade.