
Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans - 2009 - USA

Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans - 2009 - 6/10

Where to begin …
Nicholas Cage gives another crazed, over the top performance in Werner Herzog film.
A cop with neither morals nor check switch.
The group I watched this with hated it.
For myself, I have mixed feelings.
Co-starring Val Kilmer, Brad Dourif, Eva Mendes, and Xzibit, this should have been better than a television knockoff.
Cage’s character pops more drugs than Mötley Crüe, with less consequences.
For local color, Herzog did some point of view shots from the back of an alligator, later an iguana.
Plastic alligators.
If you view this as a parody of police procedurals, you may like this better.