
The Blood Spattered Bride - 1972 - Spain

The Blood Spattered Bride - 1972 - 6/10
AKA - La Novia Ensangrentada

The bliss and laughter of newlywed joy.
While the husband moves the car, gets luggage, the bride has an odd moment and decides they must leave the hotel.
Change of scene, the remote country manor, where the husband is known to all.
Early on, the wife glimpses the shadowy female, and begins to be troubled by dreams and visions.
Loosely based on Le Fanu‘s "Carmilla," this is frequently compared with Daughters Of Darkness.
Outstanding photography throughout. Interiors, exteriors, crypts and costumes.
The disc features an informative commentary by Samm Deighan and Kat Ellinger.
Discussion includes the Franco regime and legacy, Giallo in Spain, directors, actors.
Almost an hour elapses, however, before they weigh in on this particular film.