
Death Smiles On A Murderer - 1973

Death Smiles On A Murderer - 1973 - 6/10
AKA - La Morte Ha Sorriso All'assassino

An out of control carriage wrecks, leaving a dead driver and lovely female with amnesia.
No worries, the rich family nearby take her in.
The local doctor (Klaus Kinski) is summoned, who declares her health problems are temporary.
Nevertheless, as soon as he returns to his laboratory, he bubbles into mad professor behavior.
Film mixes Gothic, Giallo, Carmilla, Poe, Frankenstein, all sorts of influences in a chaotic mess.
It is never uninteresting, but it never goes anywhere, either.
DVD audio commentary confirmed my take.
Worth a watch, especially for Kinski fans who is good in this.