
Good Morning, Mister Hitler - 1993

Good Morning, Mister Hitler - 1993 - 6/10

Cobbled documentary around “then-recent” found color footage of 1939 Munich Festival of Art.
The images, filmed by amateur photographers, vary in quality but most are quite good, considering their age.
Talking heads include sons of original photographers, and a professor providing historical details.
AND - get this - a number of elderly ladies, watching in a theater, who had been participants in the festival.
They commented on what preparations were like, gasped when they viewed their young selves in the parade, talked about the giddy period of the Reich in 1939.  One surmised they had mixed emotions.
By now, most of that generation are gone.  While first hand comments are always useful, they are best received with a grain of salt.
A useful companion to 1989’s **Architecture Of Doom**.