
Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie - 2009 - France

Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie - 2009 - 6/10

French adaptation of Christie's Hercule Poirot's yarns.
No fussy little Belgium in these, however.  His character is rewritten as Inspector Larosière.
Larosière is a ladies man, gourmand, elegant dresser, at ease with royals and commoners.
The stories, of course, are nasty pieces of murder, and everyone has motives.
For whatever reason, I never cared for Mr Poirot, finding him overly weird and mannered.
Larosière, for me, was more relatable.  There is also a Gallic charm in all of these.
These French versions are a fizzy counterpoint to more faithful, English productions.