
The Cloverfield Paradox - 2018 - USA

The Cloverfield Paradox - 2018 - 4/10

I suspected I would not like this, and fifteen minutes in I was rolling my eyes.
To be blunt, I don't care for Mr. Abrams.  To me, he is the Michael Bay of this generation, pandering to the LCD.
Anyway ...
Planet Earth has almost run out of energy.  Solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear, never panned out, I guess.
Science types construct a big ole generator up in space to power humanity.
Once tests begin, things go haywire.
The crew immediately holler, point and explode emotionally.  Sorry, no rational types aboard.  (sorta like airline cockpits where pilots point and scream, "What's that light?  We're gonna die!!  Mommy!! Mommy!!")
Crew members also run all over the station.  Hey, ain't space supposed to be weightless?  Reference Gravity or Interstellar or The Expanse.  Nonetheless, the producer obviously thinks running is cool.
The plot involves alternate dimensions and the "cloverfield" connection is garbage.
Reviews have been dismal.  Believe them.  I wanted something spacey ... and got space poop.