
Goku, Body Snatcher From Hell - 1968

Goku, Body Snatcher From Hell - 1968 - 5/10
AKA - Kyuketsuki Gokemidoro // 吸血鬼ゴケミドロ

This starts so promising, too.
Passengers on an airliner include a professional hitman (with his weapons) and a young psycho with a bomb.
As the jet hurtles into reddening skies, birds hurl themselves against the fuselage, and then a flying saucer!
This is too much, and the aircraft crash lands in nowhere.
The alien craft lands, as well, and wouldn’t you know it, they are hostile aliens.
Alas, the aliens are but a sideplot as survivors squabble, argue, and turn on each other.
Yes, 1968, not the current era.  Human antics never change.
Cheesy special effects and hammy acting cannot enliven a script that grows dull and preachy.