
Love Or Justice - 1917 - USA

Love Or Justice - 1917 - 6/10

Lawyer Jack, a dope addict, hangs in the Dolphin Club, underworld watering hole.
He intends to kill himself, but Nan takes a shine to him and soon masters him.
Nan is something between a moll and a prostitute.
In a beat, attorney and doll shack up, while John gives legal advice to gang leaders.
Sordid material for 1917, though perhaps audiences were harder than one assumed.
An odd story of gangsters, legal eagles, barrooms, and the slumming hoi oligoi.
Louise Glaum may remind some of Theda Bara or Evelyn Brent, hard faced fatales.
Her acting borders on melodramatic.
The print shows nitrate damage here and there, but is in excellent shape.