
Hausen - 2020

Hausen - 2020 - 6/10

Father and son, still grieving after the death of wife/mother, arrive at a run down tower block.
Dad, the new building superintendent, is a tireless worker, a hardy soldier, but he is soon out of his depth.

Time and time again, the building resists.  Mold swells into sticky pustules, opens into festering tunnels.
Black ooze clogs pipes, the electricity is sporadic, and cleaning crews are nonexistent.
Residents are a mix of addicts, prostitutes, dealers, thugs, decaying elders.
Corruption and despair predominate.  One might view the building as a coffin.
Relentlessly grim throughout, and highly enjoyable if one is comfortable with that ride.
I imagine this will appeal to the cult of Ligotti, and one can read cultural allegories, if one is so inclined.