
Soviet Storm: WWII In The East - 2011 - Soviet Union

Soviet Storm: WWII In The East - 2011 - 7/10
AKA - Советский Шторм

Multi-parted documentary of WWII Russian Front, told from Soviet point of view.
This aspect of the war is rarely covered in the West.  We believe it was all Patton, Monty and D-Day.
Far from it.  Nazis and Soviets smashed at each other, big time.  Massive fatalities.
Series made use of Soviet newsreel footage and limited CGI, along with the usual maps and arrows.
Beware:  Maps were all in Cyrillic, though narration was in BBC English.
Highlights include the Battle Of Kursk, where over 6000 tanks slugged it out.
Must for war buffs.