
Crypt Of The Living Dead - 1974 - Spain

Crypt Of The Living Dead - 1974 - 3/10
AKA - La Tumba de la Isla Maldita

Spanish production with American leads filmed in Turkey.
Young archaeologist tracks down 700 year old crypt of Hannah, vampire queen.
Betcha didn’t know Hannah was a popular name in 1200.
My box said color film, credits said Metrocolour, it was still black and white.
Rather good looking Gothic set design and excellent shadows.  OK effect of Hannah swirling into mist when she transforms into a wolf (who moves a helluva lot quicker than she does).
Predictable territory, characters were dreadful bores, pace was glacial.
Could have used more violence and sex.  Vampyres, also from Spain, came out around this time oozing plenty of bodily fluids.