
Where Eagles Dare - 1968 - USA

Where Eagles Dare - 1968 - 6/10

US general is captured and held prisoner by German command is an inaccessible Alpine fortress.
And he is privy to plans for the second front!  D-Day!
British intelligence send a crack team of operatives, commandos, and one US Army Ranger.
Against all odds, they must infiltrate the castle and free the general.
Classic WWII actioner starting to show its age.
It is overlong, confusing by design, and the prepping and action sequences all need a trim.
Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood work well together, and for action fans, there is plenty.

Aside:  I hail from a family of film buffs, and I saw this with my father at the drive-in.
As was his wont, he narrated throughout, often to my annoyance, though his comments echo decades later.
"And no one hears that plane in the middle of the night?
"Burton looks half-sauced.
"Cars don't suddenly explode falling down a cliff.
"He's in his 40's, no way he could jump that distance.
"Those guns are notorious for jamming.
To this day, I enjoy this film, somewhat sheepishly, though it suffers bloat.