
Faces Places - 2017 - France

Faces Places - 2017 - 6/10
AKA - Visages Villages

Interesting, fascinating, annoying, irritating documentary of two disparate French photographers.
Director (and photo buff) Agnès Varda teams with photographer JR who pastes large photo murals in public spaces.
They travel to remote, often dying villages, and paste up huge photographs of bygone laborers, aging survivors, or interesting faces from the community.
The sense of unearthing history, and preservation is totally absorbing.
Capturing the moment, even the forgotten moment, and showcasing for time indefinite.
On the other hand, Ms Varda instructs subjects - female subjects - to remove their glasses.
For capturing a slice of truth, this struck me as a bit of artistic dishonesty, though I will be the first to admit creative souls often adopt a laissez-faire attitude towards the real.
The final bit, hunting for Godard turns into a very sour finish.