
Love, Life And Goldfish - 2021 - Japan

Love, Life And Goldfish - 2021 - 7/10
AKA - Sukutte Goran  //  すくってごら

Losing his cool at work, Kashiba is exiled to a branch office, in a tiny village.
This is career ending.
Entering the village in early evening, he is bewitched by the girl in front of him.
Walking amidst a sea of fans, dancers, and lanterns.
And he realizes there is something highly unusual about this village.

Barely a romance, themes of regret, rejection and loneliness predominate.
There are also goldfish throughout, which I will not elaborate on.  And triangles.
Much as Kashiba is smitten, another female is love struck by him.

This is also a musical, with a dozen songs.  Catchy, hook laden J-pop.
Hollywood or Broadway would likely apply a formula and have a hit with this.
This is Japanese, however.  This is quirky and will be should delight fans of such.