
Shinobi no Mono 6: The Last Iga Spy - 1965 - Japan

Shinobi no Mono 6: The Last Iga Spy - 1965 - 6/10
AKA - Shinobi no Mono: Iga-Yashiki  //  忍びの者 伊賀屋敷

Saizo’s son, after seeing his father killed, grows up following the ninja path.
Their time, however, is passing.  As political alliances and maneuvering come to the fore.
Even the ninja, skilled as he is, realizes by the end that knowledge is more important than ability.
The opening conflict is exciting, and there is a spectacular rooftop fight in the rain.
Yet the overall tone is one of change, with the ninja fading from influence.
No matter how three generations have opposed, the Tokugawa clan is entrenched.