
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold - 2011 - USA

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold - 2011 - 6/10

Watchable, though not particularly illuminating documentary on product placement.
Morgan Spurlock visits image consultants and product representatives, and pitches his notion of having them fund his documentary in exchange for gratuitous advertising throughout.
The consultants and executives are far more interesting than the concept.
At least one of the products I had no idea was still around - so this was a win for them.
Major companies who declined had me scratching my head.
The budget for this film was minuscule.  $1.5 million.  A major corporation’s investment would have been petty.
One who declined pled that documentary viewers were too few to matter.
Perhaps.  Spurlock remains a recognizable name, however, and documentary viewers are supposedly intelligent.
Film was short, humorous, and I did sympathize with company honchos.
Notwithstanding, I do tune out their ads.