
Obvious Child - 2014 - USA

Obvious Child - 2014 - 6/10

Stand up comedienne is having a bad day, bad night, bad stretch.
Her job is going out of business (another New York bookshop bites the dust).
Her boyfriend dumps her.  She gets drunk, jumps a straight-arrow guy.
Next beat, she discovers she’s the winner of Baby Jackpot!
Story then follows the less traveled path - meaning the cliché of she and the guy hooking up, perhaps getting married, do right by the baby, does not happen.
Instead, she makes an appointment with the abortion clinic.
Realistic, funny at times (though her stand-up routine struck me as painful), based on an earlier short.
Therein is also a flaw with the film.  Most of the actors from the short (2009) reprise their roles, only they are now in their 30's - obvious 30’s.  They  look too old to play 20-somethings.  Her actions don’t always ring true.
Intelligent, adult script with thoughtful, non-judgmental, non-hysterical performances.