
Speed - 1994 - USA

Speed - 1994 - 7/10

For what it is, brain-off action ride, this is pretty good.
A ransom demanding bomber has already been thwarted once.  
Now he targets mass transit, and half filled city bus.
The pacing keeps you from analyzing problems.

I saw this when it was released.  A couple of times, actually (I was younger).
I rewatched recently, after decades, and quietly criticized.  (No, not the aerial leap,)
The ransomer (Hopper, memorable) wants $3.7 million.
I’m going,  “Pay it.  Mark the bills, but pay it.”
Throughout, highway mayhem, street damage, airport jollies, subway, I’m running a mental calculator.
“Told you guys.  Ransom was cheap compared to repair bill.”