
The Apartment - 1996 - France

The Apartment - 1996 - 7/10
AKA - L'appartement

High powered computer exec, Max, just about to fly to Tokyo, believes he saw his old flame, Lisa.
He rushes after her shadow, but she’s gone.  So he misses his flight, does not tell anyone, and –
Oh, did I forget to mention his marriage is imminent?
Missed connections, betrayals, lies, deceptions.
Twists and reveals galore!  Inattentive souls, stick with reality shows.
Biggest problem is Max (Vincent Cassel), who has the attention span of a kitten.
Throughout, he is easily distracted, and thrown off any trail, by any female encounter.
Still, this is a must for thriller fans.  Remade as Wicker Park - 2004.