
The Girl From Rio - 1969 - Germany

The Girl From Rio - 1969 - 5/10
AKA - Rio 70 // The Seven Secrets of Sumuru

Yeah, I knew this was going to be bad.  Still ...
This was based on Sax Rohmer’s Sumuru character and I have read those books.
Plus, ole Jess Franco directs with probably the biggest budget he ever had.
Thief escapes to Rio de Janeiro with $10M in a briefcase.
A crime syndicate headed by George Sanders ties to forcibly seize it.
Sumuru, here called Sumitra, also covets the loot to fund her female army and rule the world!
Chases, fisticuffs, nudity, a phone that still works after being underwater, outstanding location filming during Carnival.
Finally, memorable Goldfinger girl Shirley Eaton (in her final film) as blonde and brunette Sumuru.
Sadly, there is no plot, no sense of style, not even a genre to hang onto.
Fumbled cast and resources.