
Borderland: The Mural Murders - 2021 - Finland

Borderland:  The Mural Murders - 2021 - 5/10
AKA - Sorjonen: Muraalimurhat

Opening shot, the hooded person stands before the suspended corpse, draining blood.
Next scene, bystanders stare at the crimson mural, painted in bright red blood!
Alas, the hooded artist is not Banksy.  Neither does blood dry a lurid red.
The lead inspector, mystified, consults a genius mentor, now in a mental institution.
Yep, the nutty cop trope.  Another overused crutch warning me of crapola writing ahead.
Various social miscreants have been kidnapped and online voting determines who gets killed.
Interesting – if that line had been pursued.  Instead, the narrative consists of abandoned ideas and cameo characters.
Oh yeah, and a brilliant sociopath, imprisoned, whom the authorities release so he can deliver a college lecture!
The writers ought to be ashamed for scribbling such garbage.  Even Hallmark Mysteries are better constructed.