
Little Forest: Summer, Autumn - 2014 - Japan

Little Forest: Summer, Autumn - 2014 - 7/10
AKA - Ritoru Foresuto: Natsu/Aki // リトル・フォレスト 夏・秋

Gorgeous film will enthrall or calm you into slumberland.
Know thyself.
Ichiko, after a time in the city, returns to her village of Komori.
There, she works her land, cooks meals, remembers her mother and the quiet lessons.
Quite a bit of cooking in this, a two-part film, as well as pensive reflection.
Ichiko is immersed in nature, and technology is on a back burner.
Tech is shown in cars, phones, electricity, but the rural experience dominates.
Because this is slow, the impatient will be put off.
Quietly unfolding is a disappearance mystery, and perhaps Ichiko’s story.
Based on a manga, followed by Winter, Spring.


 I reworked subs = https://subscene.com/subtitles/little-forest-summerautumn/english/2691929