
A Murderous Affair In Horizon Tower - 2020 - China

A Murderous Affair In Horizon Tower - 2020 - 7/10
AKA - Mo Tian da Lou  //  摩天大楼

Locked room mystery finds attractive coffee shop owner dead in her luxury apartment.
Straight off, how can a mere barista afford to live in the opulent Horizon Tower?
Yes, the investigating detectives wonder at that, as well.
Suspects?  Ha!  The building teems with them.
Smitten building employees, jealous women, alpha males.
Episode 1 - 2 is of one suspect, 3 - 4 another.  That is the structure.
Each episode is a little over 30”.  I dislike binging, yet I watched two at a time.
Two things stick out in this Chinese drama.  Police are honest; rules & evidence types.  Yeah, propaganda.
The other is the undercurrent of oppressed or second status females.
I would not have pictured China admitting such occurs – though it is global wide.