
Rats - 2016 - USA

Rats - 2016 - 6/10

Rodentmentary by fluff documentarian Morgan Spurlock.
Rat infestations in New York, New Orleans, Cambodia, the English countryside ...
There’s more and more and more.  How come?
More Humans + More Garbage = Billions More Rats!
Couple of nice tidbits when the biologist extracts tapeworms and botfly larvae from rodents.
Oodles more pathogens that easily jump from rat to human.
Speaking of jumping, wait for the peaceful white toilet moment.
Squeamish alert!  Spurlock borrows a page from Michael Moore when he travels to an Asian bistro.

Note - I’m a city kinda guy.  Our neighborhood has all sorts of midnight varmints.
I have cats.  Usually between 2-4.  Squealers in this show oughta befriend felines.