
American Experience: Mary Pickford - 2004 - USA

American Experience: Mary Pickford - 2004 - 7/10

Fine documentary on America’s sweetheart, from the Silent Era.
Good collection of stills, clips from her films (including Griffith shorts), newsreels. home movies.
One gets a good feel for Pickford the actress, professional, and business woman.
What is unseen, is Pickford’s private life, the person under the role.
Especially after she quit acting and became a recluse.

I have to be in the right mood to watch Pickford.
She excelled at radiating purity and innocence, which I am seldom in the mood for.
An influential actress, her audiences insisted she portray young girls (even into her 30's).
Tastes can change overnight.  She was abandoned when 20's theater goers opted for sleeker models.
Most movie stars seem to end up badly, personal opinion.