
Somm: Into The Bottle - 2015 - USA

Somm: Into The Bottle - 2015 - 6/10

Winesnobs, score higher.  Everyone else, prepare to stroll.

Checklist to see if you qualify.  (The correct answer is “A” every time.)
1)  Preferred evening drink:  A - alcohol, B - soft drinks, C - dairy,  D - water,  E - nothing.
2)  What sort of alcohol:  A - wine,  B - beer,  C - cocktail.
3)  Wine with:  A - dinner,  B - crackers n cheese.
4)  Favorite place to dine:  A - away from home,  B - home.
5)  Restaurant wine list is:  A - at least 10 pages long,  B - house red or house white.
6)  How much will you spend on bottle:  A - $100 or more,  B - $99 or less,  C - are you crazy?

Wine documentary divided fairly equally between vintners (growers, bottlers) and sommeliers.
Vinters matter-of-fact about what they grow, challenges, how the wine ought to taste.
The sommeliers are selling a story, though.  They want you to spend for that $350 bottle.
“Because it is so special - - just like you.”  Sure ...
Mention given to Mondavi and Parker, both of whom I regard as bad influences -

I enjoyed, albeit bemused.  My bride and I, while hardly connoisseurs, are “steady” drinkers, meaning 4-5 bottles per week.
But triple digit bottles?  C - are you crazy?  I could, and do, buy cases for that price.