
Chicken With Plums - 2011 - France

Chicken With Plums - 2011 - 7/10
AKA - Poulet Aux Prunes

Overlooked arthouse film exudes dreamlike atmosphere.
French film, with French leads, but the setting is Tehran and so is the story.
Renowned violinist loses his will to live after his beloved instrument is destroyed.
Film tracks his final eight days, each day filled with flashbacks and music.
The tone skips from comic to poignant to heart-breaking.
One views this more for images and scenes.  The color selection is radiant.

On a cerebral level, logic is subservient to plot.
Meaning, for twenty years main character was globe-trotting concert violinist, suddenly he is a school teacher?
Or - when he decides to die, no one intervenes to stop him?

That said, the film does state from the onset,
“Persian fairy tales always begin this way.”
Viewed that way, one should suppress skepticism and simply enjoy.