
Let Them All Talk - 2020 - USA

Let Them All Talk - 2020 - 6/10

Yes, and talk is what they do.
Meandering story of the “literary” author who takes the Queen Mary 2 as a way to cross the Atlantic.
The cabin is free, if she gives a shipboard talk or two, chats with passengers.
(I have been on QE2 crossings, and heard / chatted with authors, so this is not uncommon.  Our cabin, by the way, was minuscule in comparison with those show in this.)
Two college friends, who she has not seen in 30 years, accompany her, as well as her nephew.
Talky throughout, not in a bad way, relationships are skirted, bits of history aired with a sigh.
Something between a Woody Allen film and French cinema.  Fans of either ought to enjoy.
Crossings grow tedious after a few days, and the film includes that.
The “ending”, to be blunt, is quitting time.  Instead of concluding, the writer and director shrug and walk off.