
Best Of Enemies - 2015 - USA

Best Of Enemies - 2015 - 7/10

Giving this 7/10 as a piece of theatre.  Entertainment.
For accuracy, I am unsure.  For “coulda - shoulda” this would score lower.
In 1968, third rate network ABC decided to have two debaters during the political conventions.
Conservative William F Buckley Jr and Liberal Gore Vidal.
Both could be considered privileged aristocrats.
The doc focused not so much on issues, not even on the debates, but on the personality clashes and dislike each had of the other.
Filmmakers high lit the cat fight, which makes for juicy watching, though empty of substance.  Think FOX.
Ubiquitous talking heads contribute little information.
Much could have been shown about the subsequent path of each man.  Buckley became more liberal, Gore more conservative.  Show is about the debates, however.  Since the full debates are not shown there is no context.
Refreshing to see articulate and intellectually sharp individuals.

Aside - I actually watched the 68 conventions, and watched later ones until 1984.  They were unpredictable and royally entertaining.  After 1984 they became micro-managed and boring.