
Stung - 2015 - Germany

Stung - 2015 - 5/10

Poor marks on IMDB should have warned me, but a glowing review on DVDTalk tempted the sucker in me.
Two caterers drive into rural nowhere.  Birthday party for elderly WASP’s in a crumbling manor house.
Lance Henriksen is the most recognizable player.
WASP’s are soon attacked by wasps, big ones, maybe three or four inches long.
Them what gets stung gives birth to a fresh wasp, roughly the size of the host body.
Clearly, you want to keep pissed off insects near field mice and away from sumo wrestlers.
Plot is predictable, the pace grows boring, and the script has more flaws than invention.
There are a decent amount of meals (victims) at the party, but most get killed within three minutes.
One suspects filmmakers could not imagine different ways of killing, so that’s their fault.
Also, numerous small sized, crafty wasps are easier to hate and fear than laughable jumbos.
Then again, real wasps likely don’t take direction well.  Again, blame the filmmakers.
To be fair, I was drinking, yet that didn’t make this retread any more entertaining.