
Hamlet Goes Business - 1987 - Finland

Hamlet Goes Business - 1987 - 7/10
AKA - Hamlet liikemaailmassa

Finnish reworking transforms the indecisive prince into a Noir player, as manipulative as he is lethal.
Hamlet’s father is murdered.  The murderer marries Hamlet’s mother, takes over management of the company.
He announces he intends to sell off the shipping and timber divisions, in order to corner the rubber duck market.
You read correct.  Rubber duck market.  One of many alterations to the story.
Stark black n white, loaded with droll comedy, and murders aplenty.

I have seen over a dozen Hamlets.  All are overlong and I find Hamlet himself annoying.
This version runs a concise 87“ and is cloaked in a grim smile.
Caveat emptor - Scandinavian humor might be an acquired taste.